I don’t know about you – but I know that I tend to feel…. Lost? Unfocused? ( I am not sure what the right word to use is) when my living spaces and work spaces are not organized. When my desk is a mess I feel that I can not concentrate on the tasks that I have to complete.
I take time out and clean up/organize and then I feel I can concentrate on what I am doing …. Once I feel I am fully focused my mood gets better and I feel more productive and energized… and so on… Guess what that is?? The Domino effect of Organizing. Check it out!!
Organizing will save you time.
You have just spent 10 minutes looking for the tape. You are now running late to that Birthday dinner. You thought it was in the junk drawer, apparently it wasn’t. It takes time to organize your house, but once it is…you will no longer be wasting time looking for things. When you organize a space everything has its own “home”. A place to find an item and a place to put an item back.
And this leads to ….
Organizing makes clean up a breeze.
Even if your house feels like it’s upside down, it doesn’t take long to put it back upright. In most cases, when my house is in disarray – I can have it picked up and ready for company in 15 minutes or so (including vacuuming) because I already had it organized. Everything has its “home” – so all I have to do is fold some blankets, put things back in their rightful places, throw some dishes in the dishwasher and we’re good to go.
So if it saves you time and makes cleaning up a breeze… guess what that means?
Organizing can help reduce stress
Think about it… You now know where everything goes so you no longer need to worry about that pile of stuff that has been waiting to be put away because you had no idea where to put everything-when your house is organized you do not need to stress where to put it because it will already have a home waiting for it – or at a minimum a designated spot. Remember that tape you were looking for? You won’t need to worry about finding it because you will always know where it is… like I said…one less thing for you to worry about!!
Guess what less stress can lead to??
Organizing can help increase your productivity!!
You are now less stressed. Your mind is no longer dwelling on that tape or the pile of things that only the lord knows where you are going to put it…you have more confidence knowing where things are at. Now you have made some space in your head for the other things that you should be focusing on. You have time to focus on work, or your family work schedule. You are more able to manage your deadlines and family activities!!
So where are we?? Cleaning your house is a snap of a finger, you are feeling more productive and getting more work done and on top of that you are feeling less stressed…. What does that lead us to????
Organizing helps give you more “ME” time!!!
Do I need to say anymore??? I don’t, but I will.
With all this free time you have saved (extra time not cleaning the house, extra time not looking for odds and ends and tape, extra time not working because you are so productive….) now you have time to focus on YOU!!! Work on that craft that you have put aside, soak in the tub with some wine, read that book…. You have more YOU time so eat it up!!!
Remember this is the Domino effect we are working with…. So now that your house is clean, and you are so relaxed from the soak in the tub, you don’t have a worry in the world… you better believe that….
Organizing can help you sleep better!
Think about your bedtime routine… What does it look like?? Can you fall right asleep right away or are you up tossing and turning and overthinking things? When you have less stuff on the brain and you are more relaxed you tend to have a better night’s sleep. Now, I am not a Doctor or a Sleep Specialist – but this is my experience.
So there you have it…. A few of the benefits from Organizing your house… who couldn’t use some more me time??? And think – that is only the positives of organizing your house – we haven’t even talked about taking organizing into your daily life!! But that is a post for another day!
@ 2022 - Architecturally Organized
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